Don’t trust your brain to just anyone!

Learn how to select a practitioner.

Neurofeedback can be a powerful treatment tool, but choosing the right practitioner is crucial for ensuring safe and effective treatment.

Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a neurofeedback provider:

Selecting a Practitioner

  • It is imperative that your neurofeedback provider possesses the necessary qualifications and credentials to deliver safe and effective treatment. Look for practitioners who are mental health professionals or healthcare professionals with advanced degrees and independent practice licenses. Beware of unlicensed individuals offering neurofeedback services, as they may lack the expertise and training to properly assess and treat brain-related conditions.

  • Ensure the practitioner is certified by the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA). This certification is a mark of legitimacy and indicates that the practitioner has undergone sufficient training and met the minimum standards of competency in the field of neurofeedback therapy. Additionally, always look for practitioners who are certified by the International QEEG Certification Board.

    Dr. Hammond has these certifications, in addition to being certified by the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society.

  • A comprehensive 19-channel quantitative EEG brain map is essential for individualizing neurofeedback training based on scientifically objective data. Avoid practitioners who rely on guesswork and subjective assessments. Look for providers who prioritize objective brain mapping to tailor treatment plans to your specific needs.

  • Consider the practitioner's expertise and experience in the field of neurofeedback therapy.

    Dr. Hammond was President of the International Society for Neurofeedback & Research and served for 7 years as the Chair of the Standards Committee for the field. His long-standing practice for over 30 years and numerous publications in the field attest to his expertise and dedication to neurofeedback therapy.

    Learn more about Dr. Hammond